Wisconsin Jury Says Apple Owes USD234 Million in Patent Case

Post time:10-19 2015 Source:AP Author:
tags: Apple Wisconsin
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A jury has awarded the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation more than USD234 million in a patent infringement lawsuit against computer maker Apple Inc.

The jury set the amount after about three hours of deliberations on October 16. The Wisconsin State Journal reports it was about USD165 million less than WARF had sought, but WARF's legal team was all smiles and handshakes after the verdict was read.

The patent dispute involved chip technology that was co-invented by University of Wisconsin-Madison computer sciences professor Gurindar Sohi, who was in the courtroom for the decision. U.S. District Judge William Conley told Sohi he hoped he felt his work was vindicated. The technology improves the speed and efficiency of processors that run iPhones and iPads.

Apple spokeswoman Rachel Tulley says the company plans to appeal.

